3 Peaks Challenge….or how about 5 Peaks!


The the slabs of Scafell Pike

Yesterday afternoon we were over in the stunning Wasdale valley helping Advocate Events with one of their challenge events. This time a 5 Peaks Challenge!! So that means the 3 highest peaks on the mainland followed by visits to the top of Northern and Southern Ireland. That'll be quite a trip then.

The team arrived a few minutes early and were in very good spirits. The sun was shining and Wasdale was looking glorious. I was almost late arriving due to the many stops for photos en-route, it really was that good.

Setting off a little before 5pm on a mid-summer afternoon means it's going to be a daylight walk, thankfully. But not only that, we also had the shadows casting their spell over the crags of Scafell, and over the greens and greys of Mosedale, oh and not to forget the magic of The Napes of Great Gable. During our descent we witnessed the moonrise over Scafell Pike, marking the col of Mickledore. All of this can be looked at in photos, we try to capture the moment, but it's just not possible to feel those same emotions as actually being there. Get out more, go exploring, there's lots of wonderful things to see and do.

Our target time for the round trip was circa 4 hours and we achieved this. Top effort all round.

During these challenge events, I will often ask participants 'why are you doing this'? Many will reply by saying they are raising money for a good cause. This is always good to hear. Last night, for some, the good causes were very close to home. Thanks for sharing your story with us. And thank you all for same.

Unusually I got to drive home before dark, so could enjoy the scenery over the Hardknott and Wrynose passes once again.

Thanks again to Advocate Events, see you soon.



Moonrise of the Scafell range


Descending from Scafell Pike during perfect conditions

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