3 Peaks Challenge time of year again

3 Peaks challenge season is well and truly upon us and things are getting nice and busy again.

During the early hours of Saturday morning Kate led a group of 4 guys to the summit of Scafell Pike. Weather conditions were excellent so a glorious sunrise witnessed by all, lucky people.

Late on Saturday, I was also on the mountain, working for our friends at Highpoint Mountain Guides, leading a 3 Peaks group. They were a very speedy group of guys from Liverpool, so speedy we were almost back down to Wasdale before darkness fell, a good night indeed.

Our guides were out again during the early hours of Sunday morning. Neil & Verity were leading a group from 'Car Benefit Solutions'. They experienced the full force of mountain weather during their overnight ascent. Heavy rain and some strong winds gave very challenging conditions.

Sunday morning brought brighter conditions again, as I head out onto the slopes of Scafell Pike once more. This time with mother & daughter team Florence and Emma from North Shields.
We enjoyed a steady ascent to Lingmell Col. From here, Emma made the choice to continue to the summit, whilst I led Florence back to Wasdale. It was a very busy day up there, certainly 100's of people. Good to see so many enjoying the beautiful Lake District. Views were glorious, and as far reaching as the Isle of Man!

Our guide Neil was also back out on the mountain. This time with the Crisp family. They followed a route to Mickledore, then traversed over the plateau of Scafell Pike before descending to Lingmell Col then re-ascending to Lingmell before calling it a day and heading back down to Wasdale. I think they ran quite a bit of the route and were only out about 4 hours, top effort.

Thanks to everyone for being a part of this weekend, we really appreciate it. And a special thanks to guides Neil & Verity for their hard work during some very poor weather conditions.

Mark & Kate

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