3 Peaks training day on Scafell Pike


Mist clearing from the Scafell range and Wasdale

On Friday morning I met with Jen & Emma in the Wasdale valley. The aim being to familiarise Jen with Scafell Pike and prepare her for a forthcoming 3 Peaks Challenge she will be taking part in next month.

So today it wasn't about speed, but we still kept a nice steady pace with only short stops every now and then. During the ascent we had no views as the cloud was thick and shrouded the mountains almost down to valley level.

There was also some very heavy (Cumbrian) rain which soaked us pretty quickly. Thankfully there was no wind so we never felt cold. We spent a fair bit of time discussing all things 3 Peaks, after all, this was a training / preparation day.

A quick photo stop on the summit and a snack before starting our descent. Soon the cloud began to break up and we were treated to the magical views that surround Scafell Pike, heightened so much by the inversion like conditions, with mist clinging to the hills. These conditions are quite rare, but wow when witnessed they'll never be forgotten. Every step of the wet walk up was worth it for the views that no unfolded. Great Gable and The Napes, Pillar, Borrowdale, Scafell, Wasdale, all with swirling cloud adding mystery and beauty.

Even the rain stopped and the sun did shine, a little bit!!

Jen can now tackle the 3 Peaks Challenge knowing what's in store on Scafell Pike. Remember, it's this mountain that's often completed during the hours of darkness, so well worth a 'recce' in advance.

If this is something you've been thinking about or would like some help with, please do get in touch. We're on Scafell Pike and surrounding mountains often a few times a week, so know the terrain very well. We've also guided 1000's of people safely to the summit and back, so rest assured you're in good hands.

Thanks for reading.


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