Atmospheric day on Great Gable

Lingmell and Lingmell col area of the Scafell range

Lingmell on the right and Scafell Pike shrouded in mist on the left

Today we've been enjoying wonderfully atmospheric conditions on Great Gable.
Upon arrival at Styhead tarn we were greeted with wonderful views over to the Scafell range. Yes the tops were shrouded in cloud, but this only added to their majestic appearance, mystery, and sense of scale. From the deep gash of Piers Ghyll came the rumbling of waterfalls, wind whistled over the mountains, the scene could only be glorious Lakeland.

There were plenty of people out in the hills today, although the paths were far from crowded. We spotted a lone walker at Styhead, I quickly snapped his photo to give a sense of scale to the Scafell massif beyond.

For those walkers heading onto the summits today a map and compass are essential. Visibility in the mist was down to only 20 metres at times, meaning disorientation would be all too easy! We certainly required some careful navigation to descend Great Gable. For more about our day of Rock Scrambling see the mountain journeys blog here:

Are you thinking of venturing into the UK mountains this summer and would like to improve navigation skills and increase confidence to go out on cloudy days? We have been providing mountain specific navigation courses here in the Lake District for many years now, check out what we offer here: Navigation courses

There will no doubt be many fine and sunny days in the mountains this summer. There will also be the occasional cloudy day, these can honestly be the very best. Don't let your navigation / map reading let you down, give us a call and we'll put a bespoke course together for you.

Happy hiking everyone


Styhead tarn and the Scafell range, from Borrowdale

A lone walker above Styhead tarn

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