Guided walking on a glorious spring day – Scafell Pike

What a contrast in weather between yesterday and today.  Today I woke up to snow whereas yesterday was a beautiful spring day with lots of sunshine! 

Luckily yesterday was the chosen day for a guided walk up Scafell Pike with Steve and Louise! Both are keen hillwalkers and regular visitors to Ambleside and the Lake District. This time however Steve was celebrating a ‘big’ birthday, so they opted for the luxury of booking us to guide them up England’s highest mountain.  As they said, it took any worry out of the day and allowed them to soak up the views with no need to worry about the weather changing or getting out the map!

We started at the Old Dungeon Ghyll in Langdale with clear blue skies making this valley seem prettier than ever.  This is the longest route up Scafell Pike, but for those staying in Ambleside the most accessible.  It has a lovely flat start along Mickleden to warm you up before a steep ascent next to Rossett Ghyll, and then a more gentle section up past Angle Tarn and on up to Esk Hause.   Up to now it had been fairly quiet, but became busier as walkers ascending from Borrowdale joined our path. 

As we got higher a great panorama of views opened up and although we now had a patchwork of clouds, it somehow added to the beauty of the views with beams of sunlight highlighting different mountains.  We walked over small patches of soft snow which added to the atmosphere to the walk, passing Great End to our right and a short while later Ill Crag on our left.  From here the great bulk of Scafell Pike came into view.  Not far now…the rocky summit of Broad Crag on our right before a short descent and final steep ascent to the summit. 

A well-deserved lunch stop was had on top and lots more photos were taken then back the way we came.  It never feels quite the same though as the views are so different in reverse.  By the time we were walking along Mickleden in the late afternoon we were once again treated to clear skies with brilliant sunshine lighting up the fells.

Thank you Steve and Louise for a lovely day out in the mountains.  Hope you enjoyed your well-earned curry!


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