Pillar Rock: High Man & Pisgah

Pillar Rock seen from Robinson's Cairn

A big day was had today, a route that's been on the 'to-do' list for far too long.
The High Level Traverse to Pillar Rock.

Starting at the Honister slate mines I decided to include Grey Knotts and Brandreth summits too as they are virtually en-route.

Walking under Green Gable & Great Gable provides fabulous views into Ennerdale and of things to come, Pillar still seemingly a long way off!

A short way beyond Black Sail Pass a Cairn marks the beginning of the High Level Traverse. This is a narrow path that skirts underneath (and over) crags and offers some magnificent scenery. Care is required as a slip would be nasty.

Robinson's Cairn is soon reached and the full extent of Pillar Rock is revealed, WOW! I sat for a few minutes to admire the rock features and study the onward route to High Man. Looking at it from here I wasn't feeling too comfortable doing the route solo and un-roped. But as I approached it started to look more friendly. The rock is very polished so route finding is easy and the climbing is straightforward too.

Not having a rope with me I had to reverse the climb to get back down, all good fun. The huge drop below kept me 100% focused at all times. Then I explored Pisgah which involved more scrambling.

A quick blast up to the main summit of Pillar before heading back to Honister.

5 hours 25 mins for the round trip, pretty happy with that, not like me to run much, but today there was plenty running and it was fun.

Those willing to drive over to Wasdale (or are staying over that way) would be advised to follow the Mosedale route to Black Sail Pass. This is somewhat shorter and far easier to follow.

Pillar Cove bathed in sunlight

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