Priest Hole, Dove crag

Now there's a view most of us could cope with for many hours!

The photo above is taken whilst having a breather in the Priest Hole bivvy cave high on Dove crag, Dovedale.

I'd heard from numerous friends that it was difficult to find this cave and until today hadn't got around to discovering it for myself.
Setting off from Climb Scafell HQ in Ambleside shortly after 3pm I hoped to catch the afternoon and evening light as the sun lowered in the sky, this proved to be a good call.
Initially I walked along the Scandale valley to reach Scandale pass, then headed over rougher terrain to gain Hunsett Cove, high above Dovedale. This is pathless, tussocky, and at times steep, although I was mostly traversing the steep ground. The majestic Dove crag lay ahead and beckoned me onwards. Once at it's base I was blown away by the steepness of this crag, wow!!

The Priest Hole is located on the upper Northern section of the crag, it's not necessary to climb to reach it, but there is a short scramble involved. The view is breathtaking and what a place to stop awhile, drink some tea, enjoy lunch, or simply while away some time. Spending a night here, well that's another game altogether. I met a Frenchman who had just arrived and he planned on staying the night, having walked around 25km from Keswick today.

I returned to Ambleside via the summit of Dove crag then following the High Pike, Low Pike ridge to reach High Sweden Bridge.

Is this an area you would like to discover? Why not give us a call and we'll put an itinerary together for you.


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