Scafell Pike, charity event and 3 Peaks challenge fundraiser – double bill


Walkers descending from Scafell Pike summit

It's been another fantastic summer here at Climb Scafell, with many ascents of the mountain tallied up by both me & Kate. Sometimes we have walked from Langdale via Esk Hause, sometimes from Borrowdale via the Corridor route, and other times from the Eskdale side via Esk Gorge & Great Moss. But most of all our ascents have been from the Wasdale valley.
I've now driven into Wasdale hundreds of times, and still I completely get the 'buzz' as suddenly Great Gable comes into view beyond Wast Water, it's magical and I love it.

During the day today (Saturday) we were helping our friends Ross & Kate at RAW Adventures who had a school group from Twickenham out raising funds for good causes. The ascent was nice and steady, with amazing views, a good mix of weather, and good company. Don came along too and enjoyed plenty of attention and a few treats.

Once everyone was safely down from the mountain, the 4 of us, okay 5 including Don! Headed to the Wasdale Head Inn for some hearty pub grub and a well deserved pot of tea. Good to see the place nice and busy, with lots of walkers gathered in the bar retelling tales of their day in the mountains.

For the others it was home time, whilst I stayed in Wasdale to meet a 3 Peaks Challenge group due to arrive around 9pm .The group of 7 were thankfully on time and all raring to go, eager to get on with the challenge and clock a good time.
We did indeed manage a respectable time of 3 hours 50 minutes. Along the way yet more varied weather to enjoy. All the way to Lingmell Col we had clear skies and a galaxy of stars on view, this was a wonderful sight. From Lingmell Col to the summit we were in thick mist, the wind crept up and temperatures plummeted to well below freezing. This helped us move even faster as we descended from the summit, soon to be back at Lingmell Col, and under a starlit sky for our final descent into the valley.

I couldn't have asked for better conditions for my final 3 Peaks challenge ascent of the season 🙂

Thanks to Kate & Ross at RAW and Joe at Highpoint for the work, and to Kate & Don, and all todays walkers for making this a superb day in the mountains.



Kate & Don at Hollowstones


Sunset over Wast Water

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