Scafell Pike from Wasdale

Scafell Pike from Wasdale via Lingmell Col

Walkers on the Lingmell Col route, with Great Gable in the background

Our first visit of the year to Wasdale was every bit as memorable as expected. The drive over Wrynose and Hardknott being a challenge, but thankfully quiet. Reaching the apex of the crest of road into Wasdale brought Great Gable into view and this was 'the' moment. The Napes of Great Gable was shrouded in mist, but with the crags showing themselves and the mist merely adding mystery to this magnificent mountain panorama. I've been fortunate enough to see this view many times on my visits to Wasdale, and still it brings complete excitement and that 'kid in a candy shop' feeling. Words fail me on this one.
I was accompanied by a family of 5 from Brighton on their annual holiday to the Lake District. Wanting to take the worry and hassle out of their Scafell Pike day, they made a good choice and hired a guide (me) for the day.

We made good progress up the mountain and enjoyed better than expected views, as far as the coast, all the way up and from the summit. After a lunch break at the top, yes with a view too. We began the descent before cold took a hold, the mist soon rolled in and suddenly the worth of a guide became very clear. No navigational hassles and an enjoyable and safe descent for all. We stopped near Hollowstones to play around with the 'group shelter', showing how warm these things can keep us and how effective they are.

A little rain came in and the mist remained, but none of this mattered now, if anything it added to the experience and gave atmosphere to the day. We arrived back at Wasdale Head a little over 5 hours after leaving, so a good time.

Thanks to Vikki, Paul, and their 3 lads.


Scafell Pike summit

Summit views from Scafell Pike

Scafell crag from Hollowstones

Remnants of snow in the gullies of Scafell

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