Scafell Pike – mist, wind and rain!


Atmospheric cloud and Herdwick sheep on the route up Scafell Pike.

June is one of the most popular months of the year for those poeple attempting to do a National 3 Peaks challenge due to the long days.  Last weekend was no exception with a huge number of groups, large and small out on the mountain both in the hours of darkness and daylight on Friday and Saturday nights.  Friday evening saw myself and Mark both guiding groups for other companies - Highpoint Mountain Guides and Inspired Events.  Luckily the weather stayed good for everyone and all teams climbed Scafell Pike in excellent times, a lot of it in daylight.

Smiles from the Perring party of family and friends on Scafell Pike summit!

​The next day I met the Perring party at Wasdale for a walk up Scafell Pike.  I was assisted by Coralie for the day providing valuable support.  The group of 13 family and friends were not going to let the weather beat them and so fully waterproofed from top to bottom we set off up Scafell Pike with huge amounts of determination and lots of cheerful banter.  The river was a fair bit higher than it had been the previous evening but was still fine to cross with the exception of maybe wet feet – coming back the river was higher and the feet wetter!  The wind got stronger the higher we went, gusting at about 50mph so care was taken but there were times when we were sheltered giving us a bit of respite.  The cloud was down so sadly no views!  There were several parties on the mountain that, due to the thick mist, seemed not quite sure where they were and one couple passed us several times, seemingly having navigational problems.  What had planned to be a relaxing walk up Scafell Pike with a picnic at the top turned out a little different with very few stops and certainly no picnic on the summit!  However everyone seemed to have a good time.  Fighting the elements made it challenging but at the same time an exhilarating experience and one not to be forgotten! 
That evening I guided my third group of the weekend up Scafell Pike – another 3 Peaks Challenge. this time for Ryan Foley and his friends.  The rain had stopped but the winds were still very strong and the paths more slippery.  There was thick mist for much of the way but I know the mountain well, sometimes even recognising rocks - which amuses clients!!!  And so, although it makes it slightly more demanding, it is never a problem.   We set off at 11.30pm with head torches on for the duration of the walk.  A few tired legs and a slippery path made the downhill section challenging and slowed folks up  but we were still up and down in a respectable 5 hours.
With 3 Scafell Pike ascents in 20 hours and a tiring drive back to Ambleside over the Hardknott and Wrynose passes, Sunday was designated as a rest day!

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