Scafell Pike x 3! 27th – 29th September 2014

Busy times this last weekend.

Kate was guiding on Scafell Pike, following the Langdale route. Weather was reasonable but with only limited views all the way up.
A treat was in store though, as the clouds parted and views opened up to show the drama of the mountains, what a glorious sight.

On Sunday we were both on and around the Scafell range. Helping to marshal the Wasdale Triathlon. Local lad Chris Sterling put in a brilliant performance to take 1st place, well done Chris.

Whilst every effort was made on our part to clear up after the event. We are now aware not all the marshals working that day actually did their jobs properly. We of course feel bad about this as we were a part of it. Please accept our apologies.

Monday saw me back on Scafell Pike, again from Wasdale, this time with Roy (a writer) from Tonbridge. We had a lovely day out, taking the Mickledore route up and the Lingmell Col route back down. Managed to clear more of the litter left behind after the triathlon.

Thanks all.


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