The Corridor Route – Glorious early season conditions on the Pike


Looking over to Scafell from the summit of Scafell Pike

The Corridor Route

Spending a lot of time in the Lakeland mountains, we see all weather conditions and are out in them. Rain is a regular feature here, it can even add to the enjoyment, but I won't try pushing that one too much!

Yesterday we experienced some rather good weather, but it didn't come without a few challenges. Setting off from home at 7.30am for the Ambleside to Borrowdale drive, the car was so frozen, none of the doors would open. Heavy rain from the previous day had penetrated into the locks and seals and everything was stuck shut. Never mind, the sky was blue and there was promise of a magical day. The temperature remained very low all the way to Borrowdale and as Seathwaite was in the shade a down jacket was required (that's a rare thing for me to wear).

I met Fiona and off we went, aiming for Styhead Tarn. We soon noticed the rocks were covered in black ice, this made for tricky and uncertain movements. Thankfully once we were in the sun the rocks were mostly ice free and progress became far easier.

At Styhead I looked ahead at the Corridor route and it was all still in the shade, so we turned towards Sprinkling tarn and Esk Hause as this was all sunny. Going over Ill Crag and Broad Crag before hitting the summit of Scafell Pike.

Views throughout had been outstanding and the summit just added to the medley of wondrous views in every direction. We could see all along the Cumbria and Lancashire coastline, out to the Isle of Man, over the Scotland, and to the Yorkshire Dales. But it's the close up view that captivates most, the Lake District in all its glory. Fiona had visited the area previously and experienced inclement weather, not really understanding what all the fuss was about this place. On more than one occasion today she said 'Now I get it'. The drama, beauty, and magic of these mountains is impressive in any weather, but when it's a crystal clear blue sky it becomes somewhat easier to see.

After our cold start in the valley it felt quite bizarre to sit on the summit in short sleeves and feel warm. But there was not a breath of wind and the sun was working hard to warm us. Even the rocks felt warm to the touch.

The sun had worked its magic on the Corridor route too, melting all the ice and allowing us easy passage back to Styhead and Seathwaite.  You can find out more about guided walks following this route here

If heading out into the mountains, be sure to check out the latest weather reports here

A cracking day out in the mountains 🙂



The Corridor Route - Almost at the top


The Corridor Route - Ill Crag from Esk Hause

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