Three big mountain days – Scafell Pike, Kentmere Horseshoe & Snowdon


Herdwicks relaxing on Ill Crag!

This summer as usual we’ve been providing guided walks to clients on some of the best walks in the mountains of the UK. Our way of working is to offer walks which are bespoke to every client, fitting in with any specific requests where ever possible. 

One of our clients, Matthew requested three big days out taking in Scafell Pike, the Kentmere Horseshoe and Snowdon – fast walking and lots of mountains.  He’d mentioned that he had recently been up and down Ben Nevis in three and a half hours so we were primed for some speedy walks taking in the miles! 

On the first of the three days I took Matthew up Scafell Pike on the route from Langdale.  This is twelve miles in distance and for most walkers a long day out in itself.  We flew up Mickleden, quickly ascended Rosset Ghyll passing lots of D of E groups on their way over to Wasdale.  Esk Hause was reached a short while later, then up over the shoulders of Ill Crag and Broad Crag before climbing up the steep ascent to the summit of Scafell Pike.  We’d started in rain but the weather had improved quickly and we sat on the summit  having a bite of lunch enjoying the superb views. 

I suggested that as we were making good time we could take in some other summits which was eagerly accepted…so on the way back to Langdale we scrambled up to the rocky summits of Broad Crag and Ill Crag and then also took in Great End which by then was in cloud – so unfortunately no views here.  Going back down Rossett Ghyll we passed yet more D of E groups ascending slowly to camp at Angle Tarn.  Mickleden again was swift and so we arrived back at the car having been out only 6 hours, covering over 13 miles and taking in 4 of the biggest summits in the Lakes.


The cairn on Ill Crag summit

The following day both myself and Mark were busy with other work and we were lucky to have to have local guide Jim Evans to guide Matthew around the Kentmere Horseshoe.  This is one of my favourite horseshoe routes in the Lake District, usually one of the less busy areas and taking in several excellent peaks including Ill Bell, Froswick and High Street and around fourteen miles in distance.  On a clear day the views are far-reaching, right over to the Scafells in the west,  Ingleborough - one of the Yorkshire 3 Peaks in the East, Blencathra in the North and the sandy expanses of Morecambe Bay to the South.  Whilst the whole time the pretty valley of Kentmere with it’s small reservoir is below. 

Matthew yet again was keen to have a fast day out, taking in the miles and Jim kindly accommodated this by extending the walk on the way back to add in a couple more miles and peaks  before returning to the car!


The cairn at Thornthwaite Beacon on the Kentmere Horseshoe

For Matthew’s final big day out with Mountain Journeys, he headed south to the wild and rugged mountains of North Wales where he met local guide Steve for an ascent of Snowdon.  They had a superb day out, walking up the Llanberis path which follows the mountain railway all the way up to the summit.  To make the route circular they returned via the PYG track to Pen-y-Pass and from here walked back along the road to Llanberris. 

A big thanks to Matthew, Jim and Steve for three super mountain days!

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