Wild and windy day on Scafell Pike


Beautiful Wasdale

A last minute booking saw me heading up Scafell Pike yesterday. 
Whilst walking plenty in his local hills, Tony hadn't yet sampled the delights of the Lake District Fells. Starting at Wasdale Head, the wind blasted us as we got kit sorted in the car park, this didn't bode well! However, I suspected the massif of Scafell would provide us with good shelter on our walk, thankfully I was right, phew!

Tony was keen to make good time, so there wasn't much stopping, just a  few photos here and there, until we were enveloped in mist that is.

Once above Hollowstones visibility was limited to between 20 - 100 metres, so not amazing, but so atmospheric.
The wind kept letting us know it was still there and it was in charge!! We had already passed a few walkers who had given up on reaching the summit. If in doubt turn back is our advice.

I was certainly very happy to carry on and Tony was well used to gusting winds so felt comfortable to keep going up, ace.

I had thought we may make it to the edge of the summit plateau before the wind really took hold and had discussed this with Tony. Upon reaching the plateau the wind was not nearly as strong as expected, so we forged on to the summit, oh yeh.
A quick snap, a drink, and let's get out of here before that wind decides to help us fly. No summit views, but once below Hollowstones we enjoyed wonderful views over Wastwater.
Almost no rain all day and overall fantastic conditions to be out in the mountains. Thanks very much Tony, hope to see you again next year.


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